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State Standards for Pregnancy-Related Health Care in Prison

This resource guide includes five sections: First, it provides a short summary of minimum national standards that correctional facilities should meet as one important step for addressing the health needs of pregnant inmates. Second, it offers a short summary of the federal courts’ treatment of the use of restraints on pregnant inmates. Third, it provides an overview of the ways that federal agencies meet or fail to meet national standards. Fourth, it offers a general overview of the ways that the state policies located meet or fail to meet those national standards. Finally, it provides a state-by-state directory to help you directly retrieve online, or request by phone or mail, individual state department of corrections' policies addressing pregnancy-related care, including abortion. 

ACLU Pregnant in Prison
American Civil Liberties Union
Publication Date
July, 2021

Check out previous Environmental Scans

The National Institute of Corrections publishes this compilation of resources each year as an overview of what research indicates to be the trends in the corrections industry each year.
Accession Number: (2018) 033176, (2019) 033431, (2020) 033563, (2021) 033670, (2022) 033086, (2023) 033087