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1l: Developing an Action Plan for the Policy Team’s Work


After developing a vision and mission for your policy team, the team should determine the specific goals and objectives necessary to achieve each target of change in your mission. To recap:

  • Your vision is a statement about the clear and elevating goal your team is striving to achieve—a statement of your preferred future.

  • Your mission is a statement that describes the work your team intends to undertake during a specific period of time to make progress toward achieving your vision.

  • Your goals represent the accomplishments that must be realized to achieve your mission.

  • Your objectives are the steps, or tasks, that must be completed to meet your goals.

While the team should develop an action plan from the outset and include it in the charter, the plan will undoubtedly change as the team makes progress and learns more. As needed, update the work plan to keep it current, to pace work, and to gauge progress.


To create an action plan that will outline the specific goals and objectives the team will undertake, the sequence and timing of activities, and the persons responsible for those tasks


All policy team members should be involved in the development of your action plan. (Individuals or groups of individuals within your policy team or outside of your policy team may be involved in achieving the objectives in your action plan.)


The activities identified in this Starter Kit are intended to lay the groundwork for the implementation of the EBDM Framework.[1]

  1. Working together, refer to the activities listed on Getting from Here to There: The Roadmap for Preparing to Implement the EBDM Framework. Discuss each activity and ensure that all team members understand its purpose.

  2. Determine whether some of this work has been done before, in whole or in part.[2]

  3. Determine whether the goals listed in the Roadmap are the right goals for your policy team to achieve its mission, whether the goals should be changed somewhat, or whether new goals should be added.

  4. Agree upon the appropriate set of goals for your team’s work plan.

  5. Once this list is complete, place each goal in an order to reflect the sequencing of how these goals should be tackled.

  6. Next, consider each goal and identify the specific action steps (or objectives) that will be taken to achieve it. Determine the person(s) responsible for the task and a deadline for completion.

  7. Designate a team member who will create a written action plan for the decisions made during the action planning session. Refer to the action plan template in the Appendix as a guide for developing a formal, written action plan.


  • It may not be possible to forecast very specific steps for activities that will be accomplished in later months; try to develop in more detail the more immediate tasks (i.e., 3–4 months) that need to be accomplished.

  • Teams should revisit their action plan regularly to make revisions and adjustments as needed.

Ramsey County, Minnesota, Action Plan for the EBDM Planning Process (Abbreviated version of whole document)


Objective 1: Build a genuine, collaborative policy team

Implementation Steps (How)


By Whom &

With Whom

Target Date 
for Completion

Date Completed

Convene the full policy team.First meeting held Nov. 8. 
Regular monthly meetings set up 
through Aug.

Local coordinator


11/8 & ongoing

Name a chair for the policy team.Reviewed at Nov. 8 meeting.

Policy team



Draft and finalize a charter, 
which includes a vision, 
a mission, ground rules, and 
team responsibilities, for the 
policy team.
Reviewed at Nov. 8 and 15 meetings. 
Reviewed again at Dec. 13 meeting and 
unanimously approved.

Policy team



Train new members of the 
policy team.
Setting up training for Mar.

Training subcommittee 
& policy team



At the end of each meeting, 
review how the meeting went and 
how well members adhered to 
ground rules and operating rules.
An evaluation will be administered and 
reviewed at each meeting.

Local coordinator

Start Nov. & monthly

11/8 & ongoing

Objective 2: Build individual agencies that are collaborative 
and in a state of readiness for change

Implementation Steps (How)


By Whom &

With Whom

Target Date 
for Completion

Date Completed

Provide regular updates to 
judges and to the 
Board of Commissioners.
Visit judges one-on-one to 
update them on the Initiative; 
provide monthly updates 
to the Board of Commissioners; 
hold Board workshops


Nov. & ongoing

Nov. & ongoing



Objective 3: Understand and have the capacity 
to implement evidence-based practices

Implementation Steps (How)


By Whom &

With Whom

Target Date 
for Completion

Date Completed

Plan a workshop for leadership 
and line staff in participating agencies.
Dec. 2010: Initial planning was begun. 
Target date for workshop is Mar. 9. 
Education/Building Skills 
subcommittee was formed. 
Workshop to include an awareness survey.

Policy team and Education/
Building Skills subcommittee



Form an Education/Building 
Skills subcommittee to develop 
skills in each specialty area to 
ensure that staff in each 
organization has a base level of 
Work with managers and then 
with staff to build skills. 
Training subcommittee was formed. 
Discuss how to gauge knowledge level, 
skill level, and cultural change issues.

Skills subcommittee

Dec. & ongoing

Dec. & ongoing



Objective 4: Establish performance measurements/outcomes/system scorecard

Implementation Steps (How)


By Whom &

With Whom

Target Date 
for Completion

Date Completed

Agree on key definitions 
(e.g., “recidivism,” “probation violation”).
This work will start during 
the mapping process.

Policy team

Feb. & Mar.



Objective 5: Engage/gain support of our communities

Implementation Steps (How)


By Whom &

With Whom

Target Date 
for Completion

Date Completed

Name stakeholders/communities 
to be kept informed.
Discussed at Nov. 
policy team meeting.

Policy team

Nov. & ongoing

Nov. & ongoing

Develop a plan for communicating 
with the public.

Discuss how to address livability issues; 
how to talk about EBP. 
What does the community already know? 
Consider using the information 
from the public opinion survey.

Consider television, newspaper releases, 
public service announcements, town meetings, etc.


Jan. & ongoing

Jan. & ongoing


Additional Resources/Readings

CEPP. (2005). Collaboration: A training curriculum to enhance the effectiveness of criminal justice teams. Retrieved from

CEPP. (2006). Getting it right: collaborative problem solving for criminal justice. Retrieved from

CSOM. (2007). Enhancing the management of adult and juvenile sex offenders: A handbook for policymakers and practitioners. Retrieved from

Action Plan Template



  • Specific task

  • Specific task

  • Specific task

  • Specific task



  • Specific task

  • Specific task

  • Specific task

  • Specific task



  • Specific task

  • Specific task

  • Specific task

  • Specific task



  • Specific task

  • Specific task

  • Specific task

  • Specific task



  • Etc.

  • Etc.

  • Etc.



[1] Please note that your policy team may or may not complete these activities in the same sequence as other sites.

[2] Work that has been completed before does not need to be redone unless it is dated, incomplete, or not fully encompassing of the EBDM initiative, or if all team members have not been a part of it. In these cases, adjustments may need to be made. Use the pre-existing work as a starting point, rather than starting from scratch.