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Phase II - Planning Process

Preparing to Implement the EBDM Framework (A Roadmap for Phase II)

Core Activities

Likely Action Steps

By the end of the Phase II,
the EBDM Site will have…

Build a genuine, 
collaborative policy team.
  • Administer a policy team
     collaboration survey 
    (one or more times).

  • Establish ground rules 
    and operating norms.

  • Develop a shared vision statement.

  • Articulate roles and responsibilities 
    of team members.

  • Develop “One Less” individual
    statements and a team document
    that reflects these statements.

  • Take other steps to build/enhance
    the collaborative climate 
    of the policy teams.

  • a highly functioning 
    collaborative policy team.

  • a shared vision for the 
    criminal justice system.

  • a track record of meaningful
    team accomplishments.

Build individual agencies 
that are collaborative and 
in a state of readiness 
for change.
  • Administer an agency-based 
    collaboration survey 
    (one or more times).

  • Engage staff in the EBDM initiative 
    in specific, purposeful ways 
    (e.g., establish an internal working 
    team to collect information, 
    provide input, and assist in 
    specific objectives).

  • Develop specific action items to 
    address learnings from the survey.

  • agencies that demonstrate a 
    collaborative climate and 
    readiness for change.

  • an engaged staff that provides 
    meaningful, ongoing input into 
    evidence-based policy and 
    practice changes.

Understand current practice 
within each agency 
and across the system.
  • Develop a system map.

  • Conduct policy/practice assessment 
    around each decision point to 
    determine the use of evidence-based 
    practices/decision making and 
    continuous quality improvement 
    (CQI) competencies.

  • Gather baseline data.

  • Identify strengths/challenges 
    and targets of change.

  • a full understanding of the basis 
    upon which decisions are made 
    at key points within and across 

  • a set of agreed-upon strengths.

  • a set of agreed-upon targets 
    for change.

Understand and have 
the capacity to implement
evidence-based practices.
  • Administer a knowledge survey 
    to the policy team and agency staff.

  • Assess staff skills in core 
    competency areas.

  • Develop specific strategies to 
    augment knowledge and 
    competencies, where needed.

  • a common understanding of the 
    research (and its limitations) across 
    all relevant agencies/staff.

  • an understanding of the implications 
    of these findings for future policy 
    and practice.

Develop logic models.
  • Administer a knowledge survey 
    to the policy team and agency staff.

  • Assess staff skills in core competency 

  • Develop specific strategies to 
    augment knowledge and 
    competencies, where needed.

  • a common understanding of the 
    research (and its limitations) across 
    all relevant agencies/staff.

  • an understanding of the implications 
    of these findings for future policy 
    and practice.

Establish performance measures, 
determine outcomes, and 
develop a system scorecard.
  • Agree on key definitions (e.g., 
    “recidivism,” “probation violation”).

  • Develop scorecard items/outcomes.

  • Identify performance measures.

  • Assess data system 
    capacity/collection methods.

  • Build capacity, where needed.

  • a set of agreed-upon performance 
    measures that will enable an 
    objective, empirical evaluation of 
    the effectiveness of the 
    justice system agencies in 
    achieving their agreed vision.

  • benchmarks against which 
    longer-term outcomes can be 

  • methods to collect and analyze data 
    on an ongoing basis to inform 
    policy and practice.

  • a systemwide scorecard

Engage and gain the support 
of a broader set of stakeholders 
and the community.
  • Conduct a public opinion survey.

  • Compile information/a clear set of 
    messages the team and individual 
    stakeholders can use to inform and 
    engage the community.

  • Define the desired role of the 
    community in justice system activities.

  • Identify individuals/groups within 
    the community who are 
    appropriate for outreach.

  • a strategy for engaging additional 
    stakeholders and the community in 
    meaningful dialogue about the 
    vision/goals of the justice system, the 
    state of knowledge and research, and 
    the system’s performance in 
    achieving these goals.

Engage and gain the support 
of a broader set of stakeholders 
and the community. Develop a 
strategic action plan for 
  • Conduct an analysis of potential 
    barriers to implementation.

  • Develop a plan of action for 
    implementing specific policy and 
    practice changes—who, what, 
    when, where, how.

  • a clear, specific, measurable plan for 
    implementing policy and practice 
    changes that advance 
    evidence-based decision making 
    and further support the achievement 
    of the justice system’s vision and 