Dr. Brandon Mathews
Strategic Implementation, Research and Consulting, LLCDr. Brandon Mathews has over a decade of experience in various criminal justice roles, including in institutional and community corrections, the public defense system and correctional investigations. Most recently he held positions as the Director of a non-profit, 120-bed male and female community correctional facility in Southern Colorado and then as the Director of six residential community correctional facilities across the state, where he spearheaded efforts to change culture and implement innovative evidence-based practices. Educationally, he holds a Doctor of Management degree with a concentration in Organizational Development with his research focused on the impact organizational culture, leadership and change have on the adoption and sustainment of evidence-based practices. Dr. Mathews also engages in academe as an Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice and as an active researcher in the field presenting at regional and national conferences, as well as publishing in scholarly and practitioner journals including the Organization Development Journal, Criminal Justice Studies, the Journal of Criminal Justice Education, the Journal of Community Corrections and the Journal of Organizational Change Management. Dr. Mathews also operates Strategic Implementation, Research and Consulting, LLC (SIRC); a small consulting organization focused on helping criminal justice agencies build the leadership and cultural capacities necessary to implement evidence-based practices to scale and with fidelity.
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