Forming a CJCC
Forming a Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) from the ground up can seem like a daunting task as there are many different things to consider. The information outlined in this section of the microsite outlines a step by step process for starting a CJCC.
Determining the Work of the CJCC
Developing a strategic plan for the CJCC will establish a road map for determining and guiding the work of the CJCC. Strategic planning is a continuous analytic process used to (1) focus on the activities and resources needed to achieve specific results, and (2) develop a shared responsibility for achieving those results.
Maintaining and Sustaining a CJCC
There are many tools that aid in running effective Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) meetings. This section will provide a high-level review of various resources for making CJCC meetings efficient and effective.