GreenPrisons.org was created to provide a forum between providers of sustainable products and services and correctional administrators. The website promotes dialogue, provides news on sustainable projects in corrections and provides training and technical assistance networking services.
Philadelphia's Prison System is Fighting Food Waster and Recidivism with an Organic Farm
McKeever, Amy, 2016
Architecture & Green Facilities
Campbell, Terry, 2016
Painting Correctional Institutions Green: How Using Green Technology Can Reduce Correctional Institution Costs
Wells, Doris, 2015
This article provides correctional administrators with a comprehensive and informative discussion of how green technologies can reduce their operating costs.
NIC Green Corrections Resource Page [Website]
National Institute of Corrections (NIC), 2015
Resilience in Corrections: A Proactive Approach to Changing Conditions: A Proactive Approach to Changing Conditions
Connelly, Michael and David Feldman, 2014
"This white paper describes the issues facing corrections policy and leadership as the impacts of climate change and its related consequences confront departments, agencies, and facilities in coming years."
Document ID: 028089
Green Corrections Symposium Notes
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Information Center, 2014
"Best practices within the green corrections framework of correctional facilities, education and training, and reentry programs."
Document ID: 029714
The Green Corrections Project: Action Plans and Lessons Learned
Davison, Stephanie; National Institute of Corrections (NIC), 2013
"This report is a great description of the three-phase Green Corrections project, sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections (NIC)."
Document ID: 026941
Oregon Sustainability 2013 Innovation
Oregon Department of Corrections, 2013
"The Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) is committed to sustainable operations to protect our natural environment and improve quality of life for healthier communities."
Document ID: 028428
Sustainability in Prisons Project (SPP)
Evergreen State College and Washington State Department of Corrections, 2003
The SPP is a statewide effort with programs in all 12 prisons in Washington State.
The Greening of Corrections: Creating a Sustainable System
Feldbaum, Mindy, Frank Greene, Sarah Kirschenbaum, Debbie Mukamal, Megan Welsh, and Raquel Pinderhughes, AED, National Institute for Work and Learning, National Institute of Corrections (NIC), 2011
"This publication provides correctional professionals with a framework to gain a general understanding of sustainability practices and principles and to identify examples of operations, programs, and management strategies for self-sustaining facilities."
Document ID: 024914