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Webinars & Broadcasts

Becoming Trauma Informed: An Essential Element for Justice Settings

(PH)REAL: PHilosophy, Relationship, Equipping, Attitude and Leadership

Converting Instructor Led Training to Virtual Instructor Led Training

COVID-19: How are Pretrial Service Agencies Dealing with the Coronavirus?

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Family Connections Project Webinar Series

Measuring What Matters: Outcome and Performance Measures for the Pretrial Services Field

Promoting Wellness and Resiliency in Correctional Staff

Putting the Science into Self-Injury Risk Assessment and Prevention

Solving the Dilemma of Self-Injurious Behavior in the Incarcerated Population

The Foundation of Practical Application of Risk, Need, and Responsivity in the Age of COVID-19 and Justice Reform

The Mindful Supervisor

Transformational Leadership: How to Lead Yourself, Your Team, and Your Organization Series

The Foundation of Practical Application of Risk, Need, and Responsivity in the Age of COVID-19 and Justice Reform

The Mindful Supervisor

Transformational Leadership: How to Lead Yourself, Your Team, and Your Organization Series