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2016 - Virtual Conference: Leading with Innovation

Leading with Innovation

The 2016 Virtual Conference hosted by the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) is a dynamic platform for sharing information with the field of corrections in a virtual online setting. The purpose of this year’s conference will be to share current and emergent innovations in correctional practice through a keynote address, workshops, interactive LiveChat, networking, discussion forums, and virtual information booths.

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NIC's 2016 Virtual Conference From November 9th, 2016

Conference Summary

Emerging technologies have been a boom and bust for corrections. On one hand, technology makes your life easier. On the other, it presents you with challenges. “Leading with Innovation,” the theme of NIC’s Virtual Conference 2016, provides you with information you can use today to navigate the effects of technology in corrections. Presentation topics include discussion of drones, smartphone use, health coaching, leadership, and more.

TimePresentation 1Presentation 2
TimeKeynote Address
TimePresentation 1Presentation 2
9:00am - 11:00amExhibit Booth and Innovation Chats Open
10:00am - 11:00am“How to Make Evidence Based Programs
 Come to Life”
Joe Norwood, Kelly Pitocco, 
Margie Phelps
Leading Through Change: The 10 Essential
Principles of Implementation Leadership
Brandon Mathews
11:15am - 12:15pmDrones: Implications for Unmanned 
Aircraft in Corrections
Jeff Hadnot, Casey King, James Deater 
and Jonathon Rupprecht
Familiar-Faces: Action and Community 
Transition Program
Mane Martirosyan and Kayla Brady
12:30pm - 1:30pm"Innovation by Design: Leadership for Agility
Clark Quinn, Ph. D.
1:45pm - 2:45pmReform and Transparency 
in Corrections
Kevin Kempf
Corrections Health Coaching: 
A Wellness Approach to Performance 
and Longevity
Leonard Romo
3:00pm - 4:00pmSmartphones Enable Smart Supervision
Mike Kingery and Ann Aiken
Veterans Readjustment Program
Denny Whitmore
3:00pm - 5:00pmExhibit Booth and Innovation Chats Open
After Oct.26Event
On DemandWhen Gender Neutral is Not Good Enough 
in Working with Justice-Involved Women by Emily Salisbury 
This presentation will focus on the "gender-responsive principles of effective 
intervention." Specifically, it will inform the audience on how Risk, Need, and 
Responsivity principles each look different for women in both theory and practice, 
and why it is no longer accepted practice to relegate gender to responsivity 
principles. Evidence from various gender-responsive research inquiries will be 
used to inform the presentation, including the NIC/University of Cincinnati 
Women's Risk Needs Assessment (WRNA) and Gobeil and colleagues' 
recent meta-analysis published in Criminal Justice and Behavior on the 
effectiveness of gender-responsive programming in comparison to 
gender-neutral programming.
After Nov.9Event
On Demand
Training New Hires for Success by Glynis Eaton 
Training new employees can be an ongoing challenge for many correctional 
agencies. The Western District of North Carolina’s office of probation and 
pretrial services has developed an innovative and comprehensive in-district 
training program for new officers and clerical staff, which has proven to be 
successful for both new hires and the court. Participants will learn how to create 
a training program specific to their unit needs. These training programs do not 
replace local, state, or federal basic training programs already in place, but work
to enhance and speed up the training process. The purpose of the Field Training 
Officer Program is to provide the trainee with formal on-the-job training specific 
to day-to-day duties and needs. The program also serves as a succession 
planning tool to prepare trainers for management positions.


Presenters for This Conference Included:

  • Clark Quinn, Ph.D.

    Clark Quinn, Ph.D., - Keynote Speaker
    Author and Consultant

    Clark Quinn, Ph.D., integrates creativity, cognitive science, and technology to deliver engaging and effective strategies and solutions to learning, knowledge and performance needs for business, education, government, and the not-for-profit sector. After an academic career, Dr. Quinn has served as an executive in e-learning initiatives and has an international reputation as a speaker and scholar. He is the author of four books, including Revolutionize Learning & Development: Performance and Innovation Strategy for the Information Age, as well as numerous articles and chapters. He was awarded the eLearning Guild’s Guild Master award in 2012. Dr. Quinn consults through Quinnovation, tweets as @quinnovator and blogs at

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  • Leonard Romo

    Leonard Romo Jr.
    Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
    Rx Nutrition and Wellness

    Leonard Romo Jr. is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and experienced Juvenile Corrections trainer. Leonard spent the last 4.5 years as Training Officer for the Hualapai Juvenile Detention and Rehabilitation Center where he was responsible for the training and development of Juvenile Corrections staff, both new and experienced.

    Leonard received his basic training from the Indian Police Academy’s Basic Correctional Officer Training Program, is a graduate of the National Jail Leadership Command Academy, and holds an Associate Degree in Electronic Technology.

    Leonard received his Health Coach certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where he studied over 100 dietary theories and healthy lifestyle modalities. Leonard is owner of Rx Nutrition and Wellness, a Health Coaching company dedicated to helping the busy professional eat clean and live healthy, a Level 1 CrossFit Trainer, and currently studies exercise and sports nutrition through the Precision Nutrition certification system.

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  • Denny J. Whitmore

    Denny J. Whitmore
    FCI McKean and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

    Denny J. Whitmore has worked at FCI McKean and the Federal Bureau of Prisons for over 22 years. He has held various positions throughout the institution, such as: Correctional Officer, Recreation Specialist, GED Teacher and currently serves as the Supervisor of Education. He coordinated McKean's Incarcerated Veteran's program for over 5 years.

    Whitmore is a Gulf War Veteran, serving 1987-1991 in the United States Air Force. He is currently the Special Emphasis Program Manager for Disability Employment, which specifically works with current and future veteran employees for the BOP.

  • Mane´ Martirosyan

    Mane´ Martirosyan
    Louisville Metro Department of Corrections

    Mane´ Martirosyan started employment with Louisville Metro Department of Corrections in 2003, and since then has held various civilian positions in Records, Booking, Classification, and Identification lab departments within LMDC. Mane´ graduated from University of Louisville with Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology. Later she returned to University of Louisville and graduated with her Master of Science in Social Work from Kent School in 2013 and currently is a Certified Social Worker by the Kentucky Board of Social Work. After obtaining her MSSW, Mane´ was promoted to the Senior Social Worker position within LMDC in March of 2015. She co-developed and implemented the F2ACT (Familiar-Faces Action & Community Transition) program with LMDC Director Mark Bolton, and is currently implementing PA2CT (Pathway Advocacy and Alliances for Community Treatment) program. Both programs are discharge planning programs for familiar faces cycling in and out of LMDC due to mental illness, substance use, and homelessness.

  • Kayla Brady

    Kayla Brady
    Louisville Metro Department of Corrections

    Kayla Brady is a Certified Social Worker (CSW) by the Kentucky Board of Social Work, whom works for the Louisville Metro Department of Corrections as one of two Senior Social Workers that concentrate on discharge planning. Kayla is a Master of Science in Social Work, and a Bachelor of Science in Justice Administration, both from the University of Louisville. Kayla enjoys using her skills obtained during her college and graduate career to successfully navigate her thinking and approach to assisting inmates with mental health concerns, substance use disorders, homelessness and behavioral issues needing assistance with getting their life back on track upon discharge from jail.

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  • Glynis Eaton

    Glynis Eaton
    Western District of NC

    Glynis Eaton is a Supervising United States Probation Officer in the Western District of North Carolina, and works in the Charlotte, NC office. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Appalachian State University and a Master of Public Administration from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She helped develop the Field Training Officer Program in the Western District of North Carolina, a program several other districts are adopting. This program was featured in a Court to Court video produced by the Federal Judicial Center. Glynis has been a supervisor for a little over a year, and before that served as the Program Development Specialist and Training Coordinator in her district. She is a national STARR trainer (Staff Training Aimed at Reducing Rearrest), certified Safety Instructor, and serves as a coach for the Evidence Based Practices Working Group for the district.

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  • Mike Kingery

    Mike Kingery
    Outreach Smartphone Monitoring

    Mike Kingery and his team at Outreach Smartphone Monitoring work with agencies across the nation to provide pre-trial defendants and post-conviction offenders with discreet supervision and immediate referrals for mental health, housing, and other crises that too frequently result in recidivism. Mr. Kingery believes the smartphone is the perfect vehicle to distribute resources to individuals and collect the data needed to document what reduces recidivism. The OSM team has been recognized by the American Bar Association, Department of Consumer Affairs, Law Week and many more.

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  • Jonathan B. Rupprecht

    Jonathan B. Rupprecht
    Rupprecht Law, P.A.

    Drone Analyst, Newsweek, Politico, NPR, MarketWatch, The Independent, Motherboard, and many other sources have cited or quoted Jonathan B. Rupprecht who is a drone lawyer and a commercial pilot with single-engine, multi-engine, and instrument ratings. He is also an airplane flight instructor and instrument flight instructor. Jonathan obtained a B.S. from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Magna Cum Laude, and a J.D. from Florida International University School of Law. Jonathan authored a drone textbook being used at multiple universities around the US. He co-authored a legal treatise on unmanned aircraft that is being published by the American Bar Association and co-authored another book on drone flight instruction the will be published by the highly respected aviation publisher ASA. He is now currently working on the three Taylor v. FAA cases in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals challenging the FAA’s drone registration regulations. Jonathan is currently practicing drone law in South Florida at his firm Rupprecht Law, P.A.

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  • Emily J. Salisbury, Ph.D.

    Emily J. Salisbury, Ph.D.
    University of Nevada, Las Vegas

    Emily J. Salisbury, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She also serves as Editor-in-Chief of Criminal Justice and Behavior, the official academic research journal of the International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology. Criminal Justice and Behavior is the leading publication source for research on evidence-based correctional practices among offender populations. She is also co-author of the book, Correctional Counseling and Rehabilitation, currently in its 9th edition at Routledge Publishing.

    Dr. Salisbury’s primary research interests include correctional policy, assessment, and treatment intervention strategies, with a particular focus on female offenders and gender-responsive policy. Her research publications have appeared in several top academic journals and edited volumes. At the University of Cincinnati, where she earned her Ph.D. in 2007, Dr. Salisbury was the project director of two research sites that developed and validated the Women’s Risk Needs Assessment (WRNA) instruments in a cooperative agreement with the National Institute of Corrections. The WRNA correctional assessments are specifically designed to focus on the criminogenic needs of justice-involved women, and has been implemented in over 20 international and domestic jurisdictions.

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  • Kevin Kempf

    Kevin Kempf
    Idaho Department of Correction - Director

    Kevin was appointed Director in 2014. Kevin is an active member of the Association of State Correctional Administrators (ASCA). The association is made up of each correctional department in the United States. Kevin serves as Chairman of the Program and Training Committee and Treasurer of the Western States ASCA.

    Kevin also serves as a board member for the Council of State Governments Justice Center.

    Under Kevin's leadership, the Department of Correction is experiencing reform in almost every area. Projects like Justice Reinvestment, Justice Program Assessment and Restrictive Housing Reform will have many positive effects on the system and elevate IDOC as one of the best corrections agencies in the country.

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  • Dr. Brandon Mathews

    Dr. Brandon Mathews
    Strategic Implementation, Research and Consulting, LLC

    Dr. Brandon Mathews has over a decade of experience in various criminal justice roles, including in institutional and community corrections, the public defense system and correctional investigations. Most recently he held positions as the Director of a non-profit, 120-bed male and female community correctional facility in Southern Colorado and then as the Director of six residential community correctional facilities across the state, where he spearheaded efforts to change culture and implement innovative evidence-based practices. Educationally, he holds a Doctor of Management degree with a concentration in Organizational Development with his research focused on the impact organizational culture, leadership and change have on the adoption and sustainment of evidence-based practices. Dr. Mathews also engages in academe as an Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice and as an active researcher in the field presenting at regional and national conferences, as well as publishing in scholarly and practitioner journals including the Organization Development Journal, Criminal Justice Studies, the Journal of Criminal Justice Education, the Journal of Community Corrections and the Journal of Organizational Change Management. Dr. Mathews also operates Strategic Implementation, Research and Consulting, LLC (SIRC); a small consulting organization focused on helping criminal justice agencies build the leadership and cultural capacities necessary to implement evidence-based practices to scale and with fidelity.

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