A Few Notes About NIC’s Dosage Probation Model
The concept of "dosage probation" originated in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, in 2011 under the Evidence-Based Decision Making (EBDM) Initiative, managed by the Center for Effective Public Policy (CEPP) in partnership with the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) . In 2012, NIC awarded CEPP a cooperative agreement to develop a model of dosage probation based on effective recidivism-reduction practices and current dosage research. This model is detailed in NIC’s publication Dosage Probation: Rethinking the Structure of Probation Sentences (.pdf), and its essential elements are summarized in Dosage Probation Model Fundamentals(.pdf).
NIC does not support the implementation of dosage probation outside these established standards unless further research validates alternative approaches. Programs that deviate from these guidelines should not be labeled or referred to as "dosage probation."
The dosage probation model has not yet been fully evaluated. However, evidence-based practices and extant dosage research founded the dosage probation model elements. The benefits of implementation have been demonstrated in five pilot sites across the United States: Milwaukee County, Wisconsin; Napa County, California; and Washington, Dodge-Olmsted, and Wright Counties in Minnesota. These benefits include:
- Judges and prosecutors embrace the approach through collaborative policymaking.
- Many people on community supervision demonstrate higher motivation to engage in recidivism reduction services.
- Supervisory staff are more deliberate and focused on case planning and one-on-one interactions with individuals on probation.
- Treatment providers willingly undergo independent evaluations and adjust their programs to align with evidence-based practices.
- Probation terms can be dramatically reduced.
- Expectations supporting early discharge are based on evidence-based practices rather than arbitrary or customary criteria not founded in research.
NIC and CEPP express deep gratitude to the jurisdictions that volunteered to pilot and support the research behind the dosage probation model. Their vision and leadership in implementing effective community supervision practices have been invaluable and are greatly appreciated.
- Milwaukee County, Wisconsin Department of Corrections, Division of Community Corrections: Denise Symdon, Former Division Administrator; Roberta Gaither, Former Milwaukee County Regional Chief; Erin King, Former Milwaukee County Assistant Regional Chief; and staff.
- Napa County, California, Probation Department: Mary Butler, Former Chief Probation Officer; Amanda Gibbs, Promoted from Assistant Chief Probation Officer to Chief Probation Officer; and staff
- Washington County, Minnesota, Community Corrections: Tom Adkins, Former Director; Terry Thomas, Promoted from Deputy Director to Director; Ren Clinton, Promoted from Division Manager to Deputy Director; and staff
- Dodge & Olmsted County, Minnesota, Community Corrections: Nikki Niles, Director; Alex Bunger, Promoted from Program Manager to Associate Director; Angie Roche, Program Manager; Joe Vogel, Program Manager; Allyson Hurley, Promoted from Probation Agent to Community Corrections Development Specialist; and staff
- Wright County, Minnesota, Court Services: Mike MacMillan, Director; Tom Feddema, Supervisor; Darnell Brethorst, Coaching & Development Specialist; and staff
- Wright County, Minnesota Department of Corrections, Field Services Division: Al Godfrey, Former Director; Jake McLellan, Regional Manager; Danelle Gorra, Project Manager; Les Gruwell, Former District Supervisor; Willie Swanson, Program Director; and staff
NIC would also like to extend heartfelt thanks to the following individuals for their visionary leadership in conceptualizing the dosage probation model and their steadfast dedication to providing training and technical assistance to the dosage probation pilot sites:
- The Honorable Judge Richard J. Sankovitz, Ret., Milwaukee County Circuit Court
- Madeline “Mimi” Carter, Principal, Ret., Center for Effective Public Policy; Co-Founder, Ret., The Carey Group & Carey Group Publishing
- Mark Carey, Founder, Ret., The Carey Group & Carey Group Publishing
Introduction to the Toolkit
The Dosage Probation Toolkit,developed by CEPP in partnership with NIC, is intended to guide jurisdictions interested in implementing dosage probation. It is a product of hands-on experience, lessons learned, and resources from implementing the dosage probation model in five pilot sites.
The Toolkit aims to help jurisdictions assess their readiness and prepare for successful, long-term implementation and sustainability. It follows the Dosage Probation Implementation Model, which consists of four phases: (1) Assess Readiness, (2) Preparation, (3) Planning, and (4) Implementation and Evaluation. The phases include thirteen total steps, each containing several associated activities. The model is designed to help jurisdictions determine their preparedness for implementing dosage probation, engage in collaborative policymaking aligned with evidence-based community supervision practices, enhance probation’s delivery of effective supervision and services, foster partnerships with community treatment providers, and plan for data-driven decision making and sustainability.
The Toolkit is a comprehensive resource that provides step-by-step guidance, resources, and customizable templates. It also features advice, lessons learned, and examples from the dosage probation pilot sites to provide jurisdictions with the practical support they need for successful implementation.
Special thanks to those who dedicated their time to thoughtfully review and critique the Dosage Probation Toolkit’s guidance and resources:
- Terry Thomas, Director, Washington County Community Corrections
- Ren Clinton, Deputy Director, Washington County Community Corrections
- Nikki Niles, Director, Dodge & Olmsted Community Corrections
- Alex Bunger, Associate Director, Dodge & Olmsted Community Corrections
- Allyson Hurley, Community Corrections Development Specialist, Dodge & Olmsted Community Corrections
- Danelle Gorra, Project Manager, Minnesota Department of Corrections, Field Services Division
- Holly VanPelt, District Supervisor, Minnesota Department of Corrections, Field Services Division
- Brad Odegard, District Supervisor, Minnesota Department of Corrections, Field Services Division
The Dosage Probation Implementation Model: Why Follow It?
The Dosage Probation Implementation Model is rooted in decades of research, practical experience, and insights from the dosage probation pilot sites and other national criminal justice advancement initiatives. It is built on the principles of evidence-based decision making and implementation science , ensuring the successful and sustainable adoption of evidence-based policies and practices by all system stakeholders impacted. Too often, organizations introduce new practices without establishing the policymaking processes and functional drivers—such as effectual leadership, staff competency, and organizational support—required for long-term success. Research indicates that change initiatives can fail up to 90% of the time without these foundational elements*.
For optimal success, probation agencies and jurisdictions are strongly encouraged to follow the four phases and thirteen steps of the Dosage Probation Implementation Model. While you or others may be eager to implement, skipping or expediting any of the phases or steps is not advisable. Successful implementation is a marathon, not a race, and taking the time to navigate each step thoughtfully will lead to lasting success.
Getting Started
To begin using the Toolkit, familiarize yourself with the Dosage Probation Implementation Model and review the introductory information in the Phase 1 Assess Readiness section. This section will help you understand the dosage probation model, the implementation process, and its expected timeline. It also guides you in assessing your jurisdiction’s preparedness for implementing dosage probation.
Before beginning the work related to each phase of implementation, do not miss out on visiting the introductory page for that phase. Using the navigation bar at the top of the page, open the Toolkit menu and click on “Phase 1 – Assess Readiness,” “Phase 2 – Preparation,” “Phase 3 – Planning,” and “Phase 4 – Implementation and Evaluation.” The introductory pages overview what to expect and recommend who should lead the work for each step. For example, some steps may be best overseen and conducted by probation leadership, while others might be managed or completed by the chairpersons of teams, workgroups, or subcommittees or by multiple representatives involved in implementation. In this regard, the person(s) managing and participating in that step will want to review the relevant section in the Toolkit to guide their efforts.
Anyone in charge of leading or participating in each step should allow themselves time to thoroughly review the guidance, resources, and customizable templates in the Toolkit before starting. They should also organize personnel, timelines, and other resources before moving on to the step’s activities.
The Toolkit is designed to provide comprehensive guidance but cannot account for every probation agency’s and jurisdiction's unique operations, dynamics, and resources. While it is strongly recommended to follow NIC's dosage probation model standards and adhere to the Dosage Probation Implementation Model’s phases and steps, agencies and jurisdictions may use their discretion to adapt specific activities to their local capacities. For example, smaller jurisdictions that may not have the capacity to form subcommittees, as suggested in the Toolkit , may assign one person or use alternative strategies to complete the work. It is not advisable to skip or expedite activities. Completing all activities will put your agency and jurisdiction in the best position to effectively implement and sustain dosage probation.
*Rogers, R. W., Wellins, R. S., & Conner, D. R. (2002). The power of realization: Building competitive advantage by maximizing human resource initiatives. https://silo.tips/download/the-power-of-realization