Interviewer: Thinking back, looking back at all of that, what do you think...was there any of that that led you to become, the term I used earlier, justice-involved? Ron: Did any of that stuff play into me coming? Interviewer: Yes. Ron: My childhood directly played into it. The military marginally, in my opinion. One could not argue though, that how my crime played out, there were military aspects to it, there were, but it wasn't the military's fault. It was actually me. It was all me. I don't blame the military. I don't blame the Marine Corps. I still have a tremendous amount of shame because... Yeah, I feel like I brought a lot of shame to the Marine Corps. I'm just trying to make up for that and I think I can, and I'm okay spending the rest of my life to do that, unlike other people in society or in the Corps that haven't done something like I've done, they can go on with their lives. I feel that it's an incumbent on me to give back the rest of my life and I'm okay with that. I've found my place. w